The Blog:
Music, Gear, & More

The DecoWaves blog  will playfully entertain various discussions on a variety of fun topics with a touch more focus on music while always leaving the opportunity open to meander off the worn path and dabble in conversations about art, books, and the greater enjoyments of life.

To the music and, with appreciation for the great many enthusiast and experts that have helped guide me along my own journey, I embrace embrace the opportunity to pay it all forward, to explore the fantastic gear and tools of the trade while providing reviews, compare & contrast exercises, helpful hints and nuanced insights. Opinions shared are just that, opinions. It is important to note that many of these articles were originally written for and posted on forums and, in now being shared within this new context, I feel they are provided a healthier, more unified framework for engagement — this is not to take away any value from the resulting forums discussions. To the gear specific articles, the goal here is not to declare “Winners” or “Best of”, but rather, to share insights and understandings so that fellow musicians can make informed decisions while getting the most out of the tools they use.